It's 2009 and first-off I'd like to say to you all that EMU 2.0 is chugging along nicely. It's true I often don't post here, but that doesn't mean the project is dead, in fact it's very much alive. Bear in mind I do it as a hobby thing, so I work on it on and off and not to a regular schedule or anything like that.
The Beta version (2.0B_OCT08) was well received by my testers, but was still incomplete in many ways and needed a heck of a lot of cleanup. I've now done that and ready to give out Beta 2 later this month.
For the majority of you guys out there who aren't my Beta testing crew, I provide another screenie of the advance UI I've been working on for the later stages of the game (yes, just like 1.4).
In conclusion - don't despair that I won't post again for another month (or months), because the project is still going.
Catch ya on da flip side! :P
Looks nice :)