Raccoons FTW!

Sam @samUK2005

Age 33, Male


Q.E.G.S. Faversham

Whitstable, UK

Joined on 1/1/05

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samUK2005's News

Posted by samUK2005 - December 31st, 2009

Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas! Hears to a brand new year! (That's 2010 for those of you who have been living in a deep, dark cave for a few decades - don't deny it, you know who you are.)

Where was I? Oh right. My last post of this decade. Just a little post to say 'Ha ha! I'm not dead!' and to say that Beta 2 of EMU2 has just been dispatched to my little team of testers. Their feedback will be invaluable to me and ensure that you (yes, you) get the best out of the final game. Beta 2 is significantly closer to the finished product than the original Beta, so good luck to all those peeps giving it a go.

For the rest of you, I leave you all with yet another little screenie, plus a pretty nifty new banner and profile pictures. RedRaccoonUK? It's this new name which I've started using (same as my Xbox Live name) 'cos I thought the old name was a little dull. :) Though I'm keeping 'samuk2005' on NG and YouTube to avoid confusion.

So, that's it. Happy New Year (and Happy New Decade come to think!)

2010, HERE I COME!

New Year, New Look (sort of)

Posted by samUK2005 - September 11th, 2009

Just dropping in quickly to say that progress on EMU 2 has slowed but is still going. Also a little screenshot for you all (or whoever is left).

I'm not going to say a release date because I honestly don't know. It'll be finished when it's finished. :)

Other than that, don't disappoint yourself by checking this page every day, because as you can see I don't update often (I think this is the second time this year). EMU 2 will be released... eventually.

See you later!

Another update...

Posted by samUK2005 - January 24th, 2009

It's 2009 and first-off I'd like to say to you all that EMU 2.0 is chugging along nicely. It's true I often don't post here, but that doesn't mean the project is dead, in fact it's very much alive. Bear in mind I do it as a hobby thing, so I work on it on and off and not to a regular schedule or anything like that.

The Beta version (2.0B_OCT08) was well received by my testers, but was still incomplete in many ways and needed a heck of a lot of cleanup. I've now done that and ready to give out Beta 2 later this month.

For the majority of you guys out there who aren't my Beta testing crew, I provide another screenie of the advance UI I've been working on for the later stages of the game (yes, just like 1.4).

In conclusion - don't despair that I won't post again for another month (or months), because the project is still going.

Catch ya on da flip side! :P

Still Here!

Posted by samUK2005 - July 22nd, 2008

Woop! The exams are over!! Now I can finally (hopefully) finish the EMU 2.0 project I've had in production for, what, over a year now?

I'm hoping for it to be done at least by the end of this year, and if not (which is unlikely), then most certainly by January. But first, next week I'm going to Italy for a week's holiday. Once I get back, I'm planning to start work, finish the first version and have it beta tested (I always select my testers for myself, so don't ask - if you ask, you won't get). Then it'll be all polished up and here on NG.

See you! :D

Posted by samUK2005 - April 4th, 2008

Just to let you lot know that it's not dead. It's coming along slowly but surely... I haven't got much free time at the moment so I can't really say when it'll done.

For those of you who haven't seen it, the EMU 2.0 Preview site (which hasn't been updated for about a year) is here: http://www.emu2.co.nr

I've also done a major facelift on my blog over at blogspot, as well as uploading all my YouTube stuff.

I'll leave you with beta screenshot of a new feature of EMU 2.0 :)

See you around!

More work on EMU...

Posted by samUK2005 - January 22nd, 2008

So I finally gave in and made myself a blog over on Blogspot. I'd always hoped that my Cloud No. 13 site would go somewhere, but everything else seems to happen when I try to get around to it (homework, friends, tidal waves... that sort of thing).

Will I still post here? Of course I will! I'd never abandon my flashy NG page (although this is my first post since August... but let's not go into that).

So, Flash plans for the new year? Well, EMU 2.0's release of course (maybe mid-year or earlier, perhaps?) and a new Clock Crew related project I'm working on. I feel I've been working too much on programming, time to get back to animation! And decent, well thought out animation too. :)

What does me getting a blog mean? Probably that I'll post more often here!

Check it out: http://cloudnumberthirteen.blogspot.co m

Also, don't forget the EMU 2.0 site (not that it'll get updated, but just in case you didn't see it): www.emu2.co.nr

Cio! (I've always wanted to say that, though I'm not 100% sure on what it means...)

Posted by samUK2005 - September 18th, 2007

Hello All... or anyone who's there to read this anyway. :)

Well, Clockday has come and gone, and I did contribute this year. Mind you, it's not very good, but I only had a day to do (I really must start next year's one earlier!). The end result was better than I expected, so there we are.

I'm back to school now :( , so EMU development has spiralled down. GCSE's do that... ah well. I'll do it when I have time :)

So, in short, nothing really interesting or witty to post this time, just a note to say I'm still alive! :D

Oh yeah, the EMU 2.0 little preview site is http://www.emu2.co.nr

Posted by samUK2005 - July 28th, 2007

The power supply in my computer has blown, so development on EMU2 and all my other projects is suspended until I can get at the hard drives. We can't get a new power supply for another month, so it could be a while. However, this laptop is perfectly capable of running Flash, so all I need to do is get at the HD in the other computer, and then I should be able to continue. There's still hope!!

Posted by samUK2005 - July 18th, 2007

The redesign on NG looks amazing! I can see a lot of potential here.

OK, I'm probably gonna use this amazing blog space to post updates on the EMU project at the moment. EMU 2.0 was announced a while back, but since I launched the site I've been bogged down with exams and haven't been able to work on it much. However, the end of he school year is in sight, and I'm hoping to round off EMU 2.0. I'll keep you posted!!

EMU 2.0 site: http://www.emu2.co.nr

EDIT: Played around with the Account options, page looks a lot nicer now!